
This year we’re excited to introduce an extra special LDN celebration to #WorkinPublishingWeek!

Whilst the majority of the Publishing industry takes to social media to celebrate their employees, individual career journies, and success, we’re celebrating an exciting milestone!

Since launching the Publishing Assistant Apprenticeship alongside The Publishers Association, over 50 apprentices have officially completed the programme with us!

Since the first cohort in 2019, we’ve worked with and collaborated with some brilliant publishers to open fantastic opportunities for new and diverse talent to enter the publishing industry across the UK.

But how does the Level 3 Publishing Assistant apprenticeship help to develop and secure the future careers of aspiring publishers?

With first-hand experience in life as an apprentice, we decided to catch up with some of our former Publishing Assistant apprentices currently working within the sector to ask them about their time during and after programme!

Outlining their experiences working in the publishing industry are former LDN Apprentices Ameenah, Amy, Anastasia, and Polly.

We asked our LDN Publishing graduates why they decided to start an apprenticeship with LDN as well as to reflect on their career progression since completing the programme.

Ameenah Khan

Apprenticeship Qualification
Publishing Assistant Lvl 3

Production Assistant at Pushkin Press

Amy Portsmouth

Apprenticeship Qualification

Publishing Assistant Lvl 3

Campaign Assistant at Angry Robot Books

Anastasia Boama-Aboagye

Apprenticeship Qualification

Publishing Assistant Lvl 3

Marketing & Publicity Assistant at Bloomsbury

Polly Sutcliffe

Apprenticeship Qualification Publishing Assistant Lvl 3

Digital Content and Learning Specialist at Pearson

Why did you decide to apply for an apprenticeship?

Anastasia - I wanted to try a new career path that aligned better with my skillset, I had studied Pharmacy and worked as a pharmacist but felt like I wasn’t using my natural skills. I felt like an apprenticeship would be a space for me to learn while working and gain practical skills and confidence.

I also think I did it to learn that your career doesn’t have to be linear, it can go in any direction that you want it to. I became a pharmacist and then chose to step back from it to experience a new path and flourished in the new path.

Ameenah - From a very young age, I always knew I wanted to build a career in the publishing industry but when I started applying for jobs, I found it wasn’t easy as I thought!

As someone who had a passion to work in publishing but no prior experience, working and studying towards a relevant qualification where I would learn all about publishing felt right for me. Applying for my current job was the best decision I made, and I haven’t looked back since!

How do you feel an apprenticeship helped to get you where you are today?

Detailing their experiences of the apprenticeship via video interviews are Polly and Amy!

Formerly working at Bloomsbury, Amy has recently landed her brand-new role as Campaign Assistant at Angry Robot Books thanks to the skills and knowledge she learned whilst on programme.

Find out how the apprenticeship enabled Amy to kickstart her dream career in publishing below!

Starting her career in Chemistry, Polly took a 360 approach to secure her role as a Digital Content and Learning Specialist at Pearson!

Reflecting on her time as an apprentice, Polly told us how she felt the apprenticeship gave her the insight she needed to excel in her new-found career as a publisher!



How do you feel now that you have completed your apprenticeship?

Ameenah - The apprenticeship played a crucial role in getting me where I am today. I always knew I wanted to work in publishing, and I knew a bit about the industry prior to joining but, there was so much more for me to learn about the industry as a whole and the departments within publishing.

The apprenticeship taught me exactly that and has really been a stepping stone for me. Now that the apprenticeship is over, I’ve come across multiple job opportunities that allow me to progress in my career and I honestly believe it’s because of the experience and knowledge I gained whilst undergoing the apprenticeship.

Anastasia - The apprenticeship was a great opportunity to learn about the industry as a whole and gain an understanding of where my strengths lay. I was able to learn and understand all departments, which meant that I could see where my skills best aligned and hone in on them.  It also allowed me to speak to people in the industry to help solidify what path I wanted to go down.


What advice would you give to someone thinking of starting an apprenticeship?

Amy - Network! I’ve managed to meet so many people from different publishing houses and companies who throughout my apprenticeship were my comfort group that supported me in everything.

Say yes to absolutely everything. Because I said yes, I gained so many opportunities and experiences whilst at Bloomsbury such as the London Book Fair and other major publishing events, which enabled me to learn so much whilst on the apprenticeship.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions either. There are so many people within this industry who know so much and will be more than happy to help!

Ameenah - Although it can get overwhelming at times, don’t give up! It will all be worth it in the end, especially if you have a passion for publishing books.

Also, don’t leave your work till the last minute. I decided this from the very beginning and surprisingly, I stuck to it and it helped me massively. Meeting deadlines before you’re supposed to can really help ease the pressure and makes you feel less stressed so definitely keep this in mind.

Otherwise, make the most of the apprenticeship whilst you have it because, before you know it, it will all be over!

Anastasia - If you are not sure what you want to do, use the apprenticeship as an opportunity to work out what you want to do.

It’s a great opportunity to learn about publishing as a whole and discover your strengths and weaknesses and learn to fail successfully and grow from it.

The apprenticeship is a phenomenal learning experience and you can gain so much from it if you go into it with the mindset of experiencing as much as possible.

For more information about the LDN Publishing Assistant Apprenticeship programme, click here.

To get in contact with the LDN team to enquire about hiring an LDN Publishing Assistant Apprentice, click


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