
LDN’s portfolio of professional services apprenticeships has been crafted to support companies and individuals to be their best.

Explore LDN's portfolio of professional

services apprenticeships.

Introducing LDN Academies

LDN is proud to offer bespoke academy programmes built to solve specific skills gaps and address the strategic priorities of large employers, industries and sectors.
Explore our academies below.

  • LDN Sustainable Healthcare Academy

    The LDN Sustainability Healthcare Academy is designed to enhance the skills and capability of NHS professionals who play a direct and active role in the success of NHS Green Plans and other sustainability initiatives within the healthcare industry.

  • LDN Community Engagement Academy

    Working in collaboration with councils across the country, The LDN Community Engagement Academy is designed to focus on key areas of community engagement that are valuable to councils and enhance community engagement and consultation skills in local authorities.