Tips & Advice On How To Use Video Call Software for the First Time.

Remote work is on the rise!

More and more businesses are making the switch to digital platforms which allow them to stay connected, wherever and whenever! But what can you do to keep up to date with the latest video call software?

Here at LDN Apprenticeships, we’ve been using video call software for a number of years throughout different areas of the business. From delivering a fully digital workshop for our apprentices – to conducting interviews with applicants and candidates interested in starting an apprenticeship.

For example – we use Zoom at LDN Apprenticeships. Other online video call software will work in similar ways, with the same rules and tips mentioned below applying to all. 

To help our candidates, apprentices and staff understand how to join a Zoom call, we created a handy video for them to follow!

Some practices for a normal interview or meeting can be transferred over to a video call. But there will obviously be some differences to consider not only from a technological side – but from a personal perspective as well.

So if you’re finding yourself conducting video calls from your home or doing video interviews for a potential new job, we’ve pulled together some tips and advice that will go a long way in helping you conduct a professional and smooth video call.

Before joining a call, place yourself in a quiet environment.

Background noise can sometimes interfere with the overall quality of the call, meaning some information is lost or missed! To avoid this issue, staying somewhere such as a study room or library can increase the chances of a successful call.


Choose a clear background.

Sitting in front of a blank wall is recommended to minimise distractions for others on the call. We do not recommend sitting near harsh lighting such as a window as this can damage the video quality of the call, making facial expressions harder for the host to read!


Position the camera appropriately.

As this is a virtual call, the only body language available for others to recognise are your facial expressions. This means the camera should be adjusted to be above the shoulders with space at the top of your head to ensure all attendees can see you clearly.


Wear appropriate clothing.

Treat the call as if you’re meeting other attendees in person. Wear something smart appropriate and not your pyjamas! This sets an excellent example to the host and represents yourself well as an individual!


Language must be professional and appropriate.

This also includes any family members in the background, another reason why finding a quiet environment is recommended! Inappropriate behaviour on a call can also end the call short or in worse cases, have strong consequences.


Use a good quality pair of headphones.

Using headphones will help out massively when cancelling out any background noise there might be. If you’re in a room or public place with other people, they won’t want to hear your meeting as well! Headphones are almost essential if this is the case.


Mute your microphone when you’re not talking.

This is especially useful when you’re in a video call with more than two people. Some microphones can pick up extra noise and feedback – which everyone else on the call will be able to hear. If you’re not speaking, just mute your microphone! This way there’s much clearer communication between everyone in the video call.


Prepare for the call 10 mins prior to the schedule meeting time.

Joining an empty meeting room allows for any technical errors such as a broken microphone to be discovered before the actual call. Here you can also adjust the camera, volume and check internet connections before the host enters. This means you’re ready to go straight away and not keeping anyone waiting.


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