March Apprentice of the Month - Nubiyah Taylor
We are happy to announce that the winner of LDN Apprentice of the Month is Nubiyah @ FanFinders!
LDN Apprenticeships highlights a clear message of what makes an AWESOME Apprentice; they must show energy, enthusiasm, willingness to learn, ability to take feedback and propensity to take action (EEWAP).
Nubiyah is one of our LDN Digital Marketing Apprentices was nominated by her Skills Coach – Howard, and the awesome feedback was provided by Nubiyah’s line-manager and Creative Director – Raphael Marsh.
You can read the full nomination below!
When Nubiyah initially started with us she was relatively quiet and reserved. It soon became apparent that she was simply keeping her powder dry while learning the ropes.
Within a few short months Nubiyah has learned all of the required software, admin, CMS systems and is developing her marketing and creative production skills at pace. She is attentive, polite and always keen to tackle any task colleagues may throw at her – quickly making her an integral part of our workflow and team.
Nubiyah has joined our marketing and operations team which is the engine room of the business. She has the responsibility of liaising with our sales team to help create marketing campaigns, which we then promote on our network of website and social channels. It is always fantastic to see her thoughts on any given campaign, which often help to develop the campaign themselves at the planning stage.
Nubiyah is a delight to work with and is essentially already integrated in the FanFinders family.
Willingness To Learn
Nubiyah has had to learn an awful lot of new skills during her apprenticeship thus far. It could have been overwhelming, however she seems to have taken it all in her stride. She has picked up our internal admin tools, required software and marketing systems very quickly.
One of the nicest things to see is with her communication development. Nubiyah is not afraid to ask for a new task, help with an existing one or even to simply throw herself in with team socialising and events.
Ability To Take Feedback
Nubiyah is always ready to take direction. Our company is made up of a wide variety of skilled professionals, with many years of experience in the Digital Marketing field, who are more than happy to share their knowledge. She has taken ongoing feedback in Adobe software and HTML work well and with good humour throughout. It is lovely to see Nubiyah develop and gain confidence in disciplines she needs assistance with.
Propensity To Take Action
Nubiyah has impressed me with her diligence regarding work and time management. The LDN apprenticeship scheme has developed over time and quite a large workload is now associated. I haven’t once needed to chase her up on completing any of the various project work, case studies, revision etc. She is always on top of it.
With the Coronavirus situation we took the decision quite early to close the office and work remotely. During this tricky period Nubiyah has really come into her own. Proactively completing assigned social ad production / scheduling each and every day. It would be very easy to sit back and take it easy at this time, but she is always on time, available and ready to work.
Outstanding Achievements
One great example of Nubiyah’s work and personal development is on her creative production. It’s taken a bit of time for her to get up to speed with producing creative assets in Photoshop. She has really had to work hard at it. Recently we created a number of mockups for the upcoming campaign on our important Mattel / Fisher Price account. Some of Nubiyah’s creatives were selected by the client to be used on the campaign, which is a huge testament to her efforts.
Congratulations Nubiyah!